The steps making program


when we have to develop a program we have demand and to gather the requirements. what is the need.. and what we want the program to do for us.
Programming Language

after requirements, we choose certain programming language because computer did not understand our language and we will have to define and explain each of our need in the programming language.
Example of a requirement is to design a software for medicine shop. The module of the software would be Purchase of Drugs, Sales, Sales Returns and Purchase Return.
we will have to accumulate their details in writing format. Means we will generate a document conacting these information. this step is called requirement analysis. so when we understand the system and agreed upon to use which programming language.
Source Program

the conversion of these requirements to a certain programming language is called source program. it is also to be mention here that computer could not understand the programming language directly. it can understand only the machine language.

when we run a program written in C++ language, it use a compiler to convert the source code to machine language.
Object Model

Object Model contains the properties of objects in a programming language, technology notation or methodology that uses them.
For example Java Object Model and these object models are defined by the concepts like Class, Inheritance etc or its a collection of objects or classes through which a program can examine and manipulate some specific parts. Example of object model is Java Object model, COM (component object model) and DOM (document object model). which is independent of any language convention for representing and interacting with object.
Linkage Editor

Linkage editor processing follows the source program assembly or compilation of any problem program. The linkage editor is both a processing program and a service program used in association with the language translators.
Linkage editor accepts the statements or load modules as input.
The loader prepares the executable program in storage and passes control to it directly.
Load Program

The load program helps in passing control to the storage memory where the program is ready for execution. When a program is called for execution, the CPU start processing and the program is sent to the RAM for execution. The load program pass the control of CPU towards the program

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